The Naissance (Birthing) of CCC Ethnic Studies Faculty CouncilThe passage of Ethnic Studies legislation, AB 1460 in the summer of 2020 and proposed AB 3310 in spring 2020, gave rise to a critical need for a summit that would raise awareness about the status and planning needed to address equity issues for Ethnic Studies disciplines with the California Community College system. Ethnic Studies faculty, institutional and communal supporters participated in a half-day virtual summit that included an overview of current issues, reflections, dialogue, Q&A, and step to mobilization of a formal Ethnic Studies Faculty Council within California Community Colleges. From that endeavor an Interim Executive Council was formed and is working to ensure support for and advancement of Ethnic Studies departments, programs and praxes within the academe that aligns with the unique epistemologies and philosophies of Ethnic Studies as outlined by discipline experts.
CCC Ethnic Studies Movement Making________________________________________________________________________ |
CCC Ethnic Studies Faculty Council Leadership
Tamara Cheshire, Ed.D. (Folsom Lake College)
Angie Fa, Ph.D. (City College of San Francisco) Patty Gomez, M.A. (Chaffey College) Malika Hollinside, Ed.D. (Delta College) Melissa Leal, Ph.D. (Sierra College) Thekima Mayasa, Ed.D.(San Diego Mesa College) Ziza Delgado Noguera, Ph.D. (Fullerton College) Evan Wade, M.A. (San Joaquin Delta College) Affiliate Council Leadership Members Theresa Montano, Ed.D. (CSU Resource Member) Juliette Parker, M.A. (Articulation Officer, SD Mesa College) Founding Members